Ethereum: Why doesn't basepoint G of Secp256K1 seem to be on the Elliptic Curve?

Understanding the Elliptic Curve Coefficients of Ethereum

The Elliptic Curve is a mathematical representation used to secure digital transactions and ensure the integrity of blockchain data. In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of how the basepoint G (also known as point 0) on the elliptic curve Secp256K1 is represented in hexadecimal and decimal formats.

The Elliptic Curve Representation

On an elliptic curve, a point P is defined by its coordinates (x, y) such that:

x^2 + y^2 ≡ 1 (mod p)

where x and y are the coordinates of the point P on the curve. The point at infinity (denoted as O) serves as the identity element.

Secp256K1 Elliptic Curve

Secp256K1 is a cryptographic elliptic curve designed by NIST to be compatible with existing cryptographic systems, such as RSA and elliptic curve digital signatures. This specific curve uses a finite field of size 256 bits (32 bytes) to store the private key.

Basepoint G on Secp256K1

The basepoint G is an important element in the elliptic curve, representing the point at infinity. In the context of Secp256K1, the basepoint G has coordinates:

Gx = (79BE667E F9DCBBAC 55A06295 CE870B07 029BFCDB …

Hexadecimal Representation

The hexadecimal representation of these coordinates is what we’re interested in.

Gx = (79BE667E F9DCBBAC 55A06295 CE870B07 029BFCDB ...

This hexadecimal code consists of a series of numbers, each representing the value at a particular bit position. The first 64 bits represent the “header” part of the coordinates, while the next 64 bits provide additional information.

Decimal Representation

Ethereum: Why doesn't basepoint G of Secp256K1 seem to be on the Elliptic Curve?

For those unfamiliar with hexadecimal notation, here’s a quick translation guide:

  • 79 represents the number 255 (2^8 – 1)

  • BE represents the hexadecimal value 0003

  • 667E represents the decimal value 0x6C27FE

  • F9DCBBAC represents the decimal value 0x5D4A96B

When combined, these hexadecimal values represent a specific point on the elliptic curve Secp256K1.

Why Doesn’t Basepoint G appear as an Elliptic Curve Point?

Despite its significance in cryptographic practice, the basepoint G of Secp256K1 is not typically represented as an elliptic curve point. This is due to several reasons:

  • Security: Representing the basepoint G as a single point would make it vulnerable to various attacks, such as “basepoint attack” or “point at infinity vulnerability.”

  • Complexity

    : Attempting to represent the complex coordinate algebra of Secp256K1 could lead to computational issues and reduced performance.

  • Efficiency: In cryptographic applications, simplicity and efficiency are often prioritized over the detailed mathematical representation.

In summary, while the hexadecimal and decimal representations of basepoint G on Secp256K1 are interesting, they don’t directly correspond to an elliptic curve point. The complexity and security concerns associated with representing the basepoint G in such a way make it impractical for cryptographic applications.

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