Ethereum: Foundry Logging no longer working for contracts in lib folder?

Ethereum: Foundry Logging No Longer Works in Contracts’ lib Folder

As a developer, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues with logging and debugging tools when writing smart contracts. In this article, we’ll explore an issue reported by several users that causes foundry logging for contracts stored in the “lib” directory to fail.


Foundry is a popular development tool used to test and debug Ethereum smart contracts. Its logging feature allows developers to view logs of contract execution to aid in debugging and testing. However, a change has been made in recent updates that may cause issues with foundry logging for contracts stored in the “lib” directory.


The issue is related to how Foundry handles logging when running tests on smart contracts stored in the “lib” directory. Specifically, the logging feature doesn’t seem to be executing properly, resulting in no log output.


To diagnose this issue, we have seen several users experiencing the following symptoms:

  • No log output when running fuzz tests on the contract code in the “lib/” folder.

  • Higher verbosity settings have no effect (e.g. “-vv”, “-v”, etc.).

  • All verbosity levels up to -8 are tested.

Steps to reproduce

To reproduce this issue, follow these steps:

  • Create a new Ethereum project using a tool like Truffle or Remix.

  • Write a simple contract in the “lib/” directory (e.g. “HelloWorld.sol”) and compile it using the “truffle compile” command.

  • Run fuzz tests on the contract code using a foundry, e.g. “foundry test –target=lib/HelloWorld.test”

  • Check the console output for log messages.


To resolve this issue, you can try the following workarounds:

  • Update Foundry: Make sure you are running the latest version of Foundry. You can check for updates by visiting the Foundry website and downloading the update package.

  • Check verbosity settings: Increase the verbosity level to a higher value (such as -3 or -2) and see if that makes a difference. However, be aware that this may mask other issues with the logging functionality.

  • Use the “–debug” flag

    : Try using the “-debug” flag when running fuzz tests, such as “foundry test –target=lib/HelloWorld.test –debug”

  • Create a custom log output handler: You can create a custom log output handler for Foundry to configure logging actions. This may involve modifying the contract code and the Foundry configuration.


The issue with Foundry logging for contracts stored in the “lib” directory is a non-stable issue that requires some troubleshooting effort. After following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Be sure to update Foundry, increase verbosity settings (if applicable), or try custom log output drivers to make your contract code work with Foundry logging.

Additional Resources

Ethereum: Foundry Logging no longer working for contracts in lib folder?

  • If you are having trouble with Foundry logging on another platform, please contact the Foundry Community Forum for further assistance.

  • For more information on building and testing smart contracts on Ethereum, I recommend reviewing the official Ethereum documentation and developer resources.

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